In self defence sometimes the only way we can point out learning points is to learn from other’s mistakes. This can be through news articles or through cctv, looking at awareness issues, self respect and belief or technical learning points. There is a line of thinking that any critique of a victims actions is victim blaming. This is mentioned in several psychology books, it’s a very deep subject and touches on a lot more than just being critical of a persons actions. Some victim blaming thoughts even suggest it was the victims fault because of the dress they wore, or it was because they were drunk they were raped etc. This isn’t what I’m getting at. My own quote on this is: “It’s never your fault if you become a victim. However it is your responsibility to minimise the risk.” As someone who grew up in a rough area, was bullied by gangs as a child, has a previous military career, a former security operative, now a police officer and has studied violence for self defence for almos...
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